Pet Peeves

Name your top three pet peeves.

What really gets your goat?

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I’m anxious to hear from you all and see what’s new with you. Come on over for a little chat.

 Hugs, Caredoe

Marketing Self-published eBooks

For anyone wanting to market self-published ebooks this is a must read.

Comments welcome. :)

My Fireside Books

I spent the whole day yesterday re-editing the story and rewriting my description (blurb on the back cover) for Inconclusive Death. Every time I think I have it ready to go to print my friend who is formatting it for me comes up with more to do! I shouldn’t complain, I want the book to be the best I can make it. But I have to admit, I’m ready to move on to the next project!

I did get the logo made for my publishing company. It will be on the book cover. Look for it on the book when it comes out!

I’m so excited!

Having a full novel, that I created myself, for sale as an eBook is gratifying. I put a lot of hours into that manuscript and it’s great to see it come to fruition. I’m proud of Tad for making such a nice book cover too. I think it will tempt readers to want to see what’s inside. Next-a print book, and marketing. I’d love to see this novel become a big success. :)

Mistakes Writers Make with Dialogue

Interesting and helpful:

Resist the Dragon

 A quote from Steven Pressfield’s ‘The War of Art

“On the field of the self stands a knight and a dragon. You are the knight. Resistance is the dragon. The battle must be fought anew every day.”

Don’t give up on your goals to be the best writer you can be, to have your books published, and to find success. Resist the dragon and persist.

This road to being a published author can get bumpy. I’ve let the setbacks curtail me for years. The more I looked into the process, the more I wondered if this was for me. For years I told myself I was happy just to write and share my work with family and friends. But there has always been this small nagging voice that tells me, get your books out there for readers to read.

Now with self-publishing the goal is within reach for all of us. I’ve seen some better writing on Writers Web than I find on bookstore shelves. Success is within our grasp.  Go for it!

Active vs. passive voice

We always hear about “active” vs. “passive” voice and it seems there is always confusion about the subject. So here is a website that puts it in simple terms…

Learning the website

Hello! So what do you think of the new website? I have a lot to learn about developing it and frankly, understanding it all. You can help me by letting me know how things work on your end. I don’t get to see how it operates for the rest of you. Like, do you get emails sent to  you whenever something new is posted? I found a widget, you can see it in the column at the right. I understand if you click on it you will get emails when there is something new here on the site. Please tell me if it works.

Do you have a dashboard at the top left of your window, or is that just for the author?

Can you edit your posts? I have an edit link on every post. I hope you can make changes on your posts when you want to too. I know Arcade would really appreciate that feature. He tried hard to get that  from the Eons folks. Do we have any experienced website operators in the group? Step forward, please! Either here or on my email.

Hello world!

Welcome to Writer Web Friends.

This is the place for writers to take some time out for fun! It’s a community of friends who enjoy sharing their love for writing.

Happy blogging!